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While many career opportunities yield symmetrical rewards, there are brief moments that can have outsized impact on your career trajectory. These pivotal moments, whether it be a meeting with a high-level executive or a small action with a large impact, require careful attention and recognition to make the most of the opportunity. Volunteering for activities with visibility or impact is one of the strongest ways to directly impact your career. Don’t miss out on hitting those sixes to no balls in your career - identify and seize pivotal moments for asymmetric returns.

There are a few factors that make for a brief moment with asymmetric consequences, including visibility and impact. When you have a meeting with a CEO, CTO or give a presentation at a critical conference, you have the opportunity to be seen and heard by people who can make a difference in your career. Similarly, a small action, like fixing a website that is down, can have a large impact on the success of a project or company.

When you see a potential pivotal moment approaching, it’s important to recognize that this moment matters. Volunteering for an activity that has visibility or impact is one of the strongest ways to impact your career directly. For example, if you’re asked to give training to a group of senior product leaders, you should see this as an opportunity for visibility and take advantage of it. Don’t let the opportunity pass you by just because it seems boring or unimportant.

Symmetric Opportunities

  • Annual performance reviews with incremental raises based on merit and tenure.
  • Gradually building skills and experience through day-to-day tasks and projects.
  • Slowly building trust and credibility with colleagues and superiors over time.

Asymmetric Opportunities:

  • Being asked to lead a high-profile project or initiative with high visibility within the organization.
  • Giving a presentation or talk at a major industry conference or event.
  • Being asked to participate in a media interview or to speak on a panel.
  • Receiving an unexpected job offer or invitation to apply for a leadership position at a new company.
  • Having a chance encounter with a key decision-maker in your field, leading to an opportunity to pitch a project or idea.
  • Solving a critical problem or crisis that gains recognition and praise from upper management.

In each of these examples, there is an opportunity for outsized impact on your career trajectory. While symmetric opportunities may be important for building a foundation of skills and experience, asymmetric opportunities offer a chance to make a significant leap forward in your career.

It’s important to recognize that asymmetric opportunities can be unpredictable and may require taking risks or stepping outside of your comfort zone. However, by recognizing the potential for impact and being strategic about your actions, you can position yourself for greater success in the long run.

Characteristics of asymmetric opportunities

One key takeaway is that asymmetric opportunities are often tied to visibility and impact. By seeking out opportunities to be more visible within your organization or industry, and by taking on projects with high impact potential, you can increase your chances of experiencing asymmetric career opportunities. Additionally, being open to new experiences, networking with others in your field, and staying up-to-date with industry trends and developments can also position you to capitalize on unexpected opportunities.

Potential risks of asymmetric opportunities

While asymmetric opportunities can offer a significant boost to your career, it’s also important to be aware of the potential risks and dangers that come with them.

First and foremost, it’s important to recognize that asymmetric opportunities often come with a greater level of risk than symmetric opportunities. This is because they are typically less predictable and less controlled than other aspects of your career. For example, if you are asked to lead a high-profile project with high visibility, there is a greater risk of failure or public scrutiny if the project doesn’t go as planned. Similarly, if you give a presentation or speak on a panel, there is a risk that you may not perform as well as you hoped or that your message may be misinterpreted or criticized.

Another risk of asymmetric opportunities is that they can be all-consuming, requiring a significant amount of time and energy to prepare for and execute. This can lead to burnout, stress, and a lack of work-life balance, which can ultimately have a negative impact on your overall career trajectory.

Good things come to those who wait but only left by those who hustle

While it’s important to be patient and strategic in your approach, it’s equally important to be proactive and take action to create opportunities for yourself.

While waiting for the right opportunities to come along can be a good strategy, it can also lead to missed opportunities if you’re not actively seeking out new challenges and experiences. By hustling, or taking a proactive approach to your career, you can create new opportunities for yourself and position yourself for even greater success.

One way to hustle in your career is to take on additional responsibilities and seek out new challenges. This could mean volunteering for high-visibility projects, taking on leadership roles within your organization, or seeking out new opportunities for growth and development. By demonstrating a willingness to take on new challenges and responsibilities, you can show that you are a proactive and ambitious employee who is willing to go above and beyond.

Another way to hustle in your career is to build your network and actively seek out new connections and opportunities. This could mean attending networking events, reaching out to people in your industry for advice and mentorship, or even starting your own side projects to build your skills and experience. By building a strong network and seeking out new connections, you can position yourself for even greater success and open up new opportunities that might not have been available to you otherwise.

Ultimately, the key to success in your career is to strike a balance between patience and hustle. While waiting for the right opportunities to come along can be a good strategy, it’s equally important to be proactive and take action to create opportunities for yourself. By combining patience with a proactive approach to your career, you can position yourself for long-term success and achieve your career goals.


In conclusion, recognizing pivotal moments in your career is essential for success. Whether it’s a meeting with a CTO or a small side project, you should be aware of the potential impact and make the most of the opportunity. Volunteering for activities with visibility and impact is one of the strongest ways to impact your career directly. By doing so, you can ensure that you’re on the path to success and that your career is headed in the right direction.