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The adaptability paradox refers to the challenge of maintaining adaptability and flexibility in high-pressure situations. When faced with unfamiliar and high-stakes circumstances, people often experience anxiety and stress, triggering instinctive reactions and old habits that may not be suited to the new situation. This creates a paradoxical situation where the need to learn, change, and adapt is greatest, but the likelihood of reacting with old approaches that aren’t suitable for the new context is also high. As a result, people may make poor decisions and find it difficult to come up with effective solutions.

The Old Mold

The adaptability paradox can manifest in various ways. For example, a manager who has a tried-and-true approach to problem-solving may struggle when confronted with a new and complex issue that requires a fresh perspective. The manager may default to their old approach, even though it may not be appropriate for the new problem, resulting in ineffective solutions. Similarly, an employee who is used to working in a certain way may find it challenging to adapt to changes in the workplace, such as new technology or procedures, which can lead to resistance and decreased productivity.

The adaptability paradox can be particularly challenging for leaders, who often need to navigate high-pressure situations and make decisions that have far-reaching consequences. In these situations, it is essential to maintain a level of self-awareness and emotional regulation to avoid falling into old habits and react with more effective solutions.

3 Key Skills to Cultivate

To overcome the adaptability paradox, individuals need to cultivate a sophisticated form of self-mastery that allows them to maintain a level of “Deliberate Calm”. This involves developing three key skills: learning agility, emotional self-regulation, and dual awareness. By cultivating these skills, individuals can become more adaptable and flexible, even in the face of high-pressure situations, and make better decisions and come up with more effective solutions.

Learning agility

Learning agility involves being open to learning from experience and experimenting with new approaches. Leaders who possess this skill are able to approach new situations with curiosity and an open mind, seek feedback, and apply lessons learned to new challenges. To develop learning agility, one can set the intention to approach difficult situations with an open mind and multiple perspectives. This helps to remain open to feedback, learn, and adjust responses that may have otherwise been unhelpful default reactions.

Emotional self-regulation

Emotional self-regulation is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s emotions. Leaders who possess this skill perform significantly better, as do their teams. To develop emotional self-regulation, it is important to become aware of what triggers emotional responses and to keep a diary of these moments. By understanding the patterns of emotional responses, one can learn to regulate emotions and become comfortable with discomfort.

Dual awareness

Dual awareness involves integrating internal and external circumstances to better understand one’s true motivations and intentions, as well as what the situation requires. By taking a moment to reflect on oneself and the situation, one can observe and match responses to the demands of the moment. To develop dual awareness, practicing emotional regulation is key. By becoming aware of one’s own triggers and reflecting on what the situation requires, one can effectively respond to challenges and set oneself up for success.


In conclusion, the adaptability paradox highlights the challenge of maintaining adaptability and flexibility in high-pressure situations, which can result in reactive responses that are not suited to the new context. To overcome this challenge, individuals can develop the key skills of learning agility, emotional self-regulation, and dual awareness, which can help them remain open to learning and feedback, manage their emotions, and match responses to the demands of the situation. By cultivating deliberate calm and practicing these skills, individuals can become more adaptable and flexible, making better decisions and coming up with more effective solutions even in the face of uncertainty and change.